Divorce Support: Neutral Ground, Rochester NY

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Neutral Ground, Rochester NY, Peer Support for Divorced, Separated, Widowed

Announcement: Due to the pandemic and other issues beyond their control, Neutral Ground has suspended their operations indefinitely. They will send out a message to all who are subscribed to their website and their regular email list if the situation changes. If you have not already done so, please subscribe to them so that they will be able contact you with updates. The email signup form is at on every page of their site to the right of the address section.

Please note: All the other information on the NG website is from before the pandemic. They have left it on the website to give you a better understanding of more who they are.

If you are divorced, separated, widowed, or ending a significant relationship and living in the Rochester, NY region, a very special support resource is available to you.

Since the 1970’s, Neutral Ground has provided groups for people to express and share their thoughts and feelings in a secure, confidential, non-judgmental environment.

They help you to develop a firmer foundation on which to rebuild your life.

Neutral Ground is a non-sectarian non-profit peer support organization for people who are divorced, widowed, separated, or ending a significant relationship. It is supported financially by membership fees (application available on their site), donations from individuals, via United Way, group meetings, and events.

Neutral Ground Peer-to-Peer Support

The core of what Neutral Ground does is through informal peer support groups led by trained peer facilitators. All groups meet from 7 to 9 PM on Thursday evenings. A modest fee is charged for groups and membership.

Getting Started in Neutral Ground

They have an orderly process which allows you to become acquainted with the group and what it offers, starting with Orientation meetings held on 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7 PM. No reservations are needed for the Orientation meeting; you are welcome to just walk in.

Start from Where You Are

Once you have attended an orientation, there are several types of group meetings offered, including open and closed groups, groups focused on different stages of the rebuilding process, widows/widowers, and those ready to move forward. Joining a closed group requires joining the organization. If finances are an issue, you are welcome to talk with the group’s membership person about joining.

Neutral Ground also offers special programs with speakers as well as social activities such as parties, trips, tours, theater, wine and cheese parties, dinners, cards, game nights, sporting events, bowling and special holiday events as well as our monthly dance. There are also volunteer opportunities on the organization’s committees.

Confidentiality In Groups Is Required

As might be expected, confidentiality in the support groups is extremely important to everyone, and all are expected to adhere to those rules.

What’s Important About Neutral Ground

  • It’s designed to provide a supportive, non-judgmental atmosphere.
  • You can be angry or cry.
  • You are not told what to do.
  • You find out you are not alone. The stories may be different but the feelings are very similar.
  • You can share feelings without criticism.
  • You won’t be given legal advice.
  • It is not a dating group. That does happen, but it’s not the purpose of the group.

Find Neutral Ground Online

Besides their web site, the group offers a Facebook page as well as a Meetup page that also announces upcoming events.

Image Credit: ©Neutral Ground Support Organization, Incorporated

About the Author: Mary Anne Shew is a Certified Content Marketer. For more information, please visit Creative Nation.

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